Monday, 29 February 2016

29th February 2016

Category: Fixtures & Fittings

Maintenance/Repair Details:
Mast removed, fixtures & fittings taken off, woodwork stripped of old vanish and repaired where required. New wood stain and wood preservative applied. Mast re-rigged and refitted.

Parts and/or Items Used:
Wood Preserver

Sunday, 28 February 2016

28th February 2016

Category: Fuel, Engines, Fixtures & Fittings

Maintenance/Repair Details:
Started engines after winter lay up, brought to running temperature and added oil additives. Bled fuel system to remove any air after filter replacement.

Parts and/or Items Used:
Oil additives

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

10th February 2016

Category: Fuel, Engines

Maintenance/Repair Details:
Replaced both Port & Starboard fuel filters.
Filter part numbers: Baldwin BF825 / Fram FT4788

Parts and/or Items Used: Fuel Filters